WG4 Outreach and dissemination of end-user tools, materials and products
To ensure maximal utilisation of the products and knowledge within the Action and among ParaAqua and their various partners, the products of ParAqua need to be co-created with external stakeholders and their dissemination tailored to various audiences. In close collaboration with the leaders of WG1, 2 and 3, as well as with the Science Communication Coordinator, WG4 will be responsible for the dissemination of the Action’s outcomes and results with the aim to maximize the knowledge transfer between academic scientists, industry RD&I, water managers and the general public, as well as monitoring the impact of the Action on science and society.
Furthermore, WG4 will collaborate with Local Organizers of ParAqua meetings in designing and implementing future-proof meetings and to maximise dissemination of knowledge in the hosting country. WG4 will also collaborate with the WG1-3 and facilitate the organization and outreach of the different Training Schools and the Short-Term Scientific Missions.
- Actively promote and guard diversity in terms of geographic origin, gender and career stage in all of the Action's activities.
- Training School on best practices in the communication of results within an interdisciplinary team (i.e. science, management an industry) and outreach to various audiences.
- Provide the basis for future product development and production lines on the monitoring and control of zoosporic parasites in industry through network building and method development.
- Action website as an interactive platform to host the various digital products of the Action.
- Timely communication of Action results through social media channels and news webpages.
- Dissemination and Communication Plan of the Action, in close collaboration with the Science Communication committee and institutional public relations departments.
- Design and delivery of standardised press material.
- Facilitation of an open access ebook of ParAqua on the ecological and industrial implications of zoosporic parasites, synthesizing all state-of-the-art methods for detection, monitoring and control through synthesis of WG1-WG3.
- Facilitation of effective and informative communication of WG1-3 results.