
The Core Group Meeting of the COST Action ParAqua was held on the 27th of September on Hybrid mode. It was organised in Paris (Local Organiser France) in the beautiful 9th district close to the river Seine and the Louvre museum.

The Core Group was represented by 11 Members on site and 3 on Zoom. Following the discussions at the MC meeting in Cyprus, the Work and Budget Plan for the GP2 was drafted and all the activities planned.

During the first months of the Grant Period, the Action will keep working on the database construction and a dedicated workshop will be organised by WG1 Co-leader Andrea Tarallo. In January 2023 we will held again a Stakeholder platform (LO France). In early April, WG2 leader Ivana Trbojevic will be Local Organiser for the Training School “Isolation and Drivers” in Belgrade (Serbia) and in May WG3 leader Gabriel Acien-Fernandez will be Local Organiser for the Action Network-MC meeting and a workshop on the implementation of the Action objective in Almeria (Spain).

Very important goal for the next GP will be to finalise the review paper on the parasites occurrence (lead by WG1 leader Albert Reñé) and start working on the review paper on the parasites drivers (lead by Blagoy Uzunov). A number of other products and publications are also expected as outcome (booklet methods, papers from STSMs …).

An important part of the budget will be dedicated to the mobility of Researchers and Innovators by proposing new topics for STSM inter-lab exchanges and VM Grant. The Action will also support with Conferences and ITC Grants the participation of Action Members and notably STSM participants to present the results of their projects. A couple of relevant conferences (AlgaeEurope and ASLO) have been identified so far.

Our Science Communication Coordinator informed about the COST Communication Seminar attended in Brussels and reminded the rules of eligibility for publication OA supported by COST: 3 Authors in the Action from 3 different COST Members, or 2 COST Members when the article is coming from a STSM exchange.

Very important is to keep to be active in the dissemination of news, announcements and follow up on meetings. Our Action is assessed on the social media attention, everybody is very welcome and encouraged to contribute by publishing post, videos and content on the social media, website and blog.

The meeting was concluded by the contribution of Blagoy Uzunov, presenting the frame of the review paper on the parasites drivers. Blagoy will coordinate the collaborative writing and sharing soon the strategy on how to proceed for the next steps.

Serena Rasconi


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