6 September 2023 Almeria, Spain
The second Management Committee and Network Meeting of ParAqua GP2, the fourth of the Action (MC4), took place on the 6th of September in Almeria, Spain. The Local Organiser was Gabriel Acien from the University of Almeria. The meeting was hosted by the Action Chair and co-hosted by the Action Vice Chair for the virtual session.
The hosting team welcomed 44 participants from 14 countries. The meeting was organised following a participatory methodology and all Action MC Members and WG Members were invited to attend and participate to the discussions.
Main objectives were to update and inform on Action functioning since the last MC meeting that was held virtual in January 2023. The Action Chair presented the new Action participations, the budget status and the upcoming activities. WG leaders and Committee Coordinators presented progress of each Working Group. The meeting concluded with a first discussion to plan activities for the next Grant Period.
Meeting materials (participants list and presentations) are approved by MC e-vote are available to all Action Participants the in the Members area (https://paraqua-cost.eu/members-area/topic/mc-meeting-minutes/)
Serena Rasconi