29-31 January 2024, Lyon, France
The ParAqua “Writing Retreat” Workshop was held at the INRAE center in Lyon – Villeurbanne from 29 to 31 JAnuary 2024.
Organised by WG4 (LO Serena Rasconi) , the workshop objectives were to advance the preparation of ongoing scientific deliverables (databases, review papers, method papers…) and launch new activities proposed by ParAqua young Members.
The morning of the first day has been dedicated to the parasites database activity. Andrea Tarallo presented one more time the database data mining to new participants and discussed progress on the design of the graphic interface to launch the database online.
In the afternoon the workshop participants worked in parallel sessions to make progress on ongoing deliverables:
- Occurrence paper (Albert Reñé, Laura Garzoli, Alexandra Kraberg, Milos Stupar, Slawek Cerbin)
- Drivers paper (Blagoy Uzunov, Alena Gsell)
- Expertise database (Gabriel Acien, Maja Berden Zrimec)
The second day started with an introduction to present open resources for literature reviews and on how to promote Open Science and open access publication and the opportunities supported by COST
The rest of the morning was dedicated to present new activities proposed by ParAqua Members
- Meta-analysis related to parasites occurrence (Alexandra Kraberg)
- Microbiome paper (Belén Villarreal Toribio)
- Fungi oomics definition (Alice Retter, Doris Ilicic)
- Methodological challenges for studying fungus like organisms in water
(Caio Paula, Mariia Dimova, Dagmara Sirová)
S. Rasconi