Young Researchers and Innovators Forum

Young Researchers and Innovators Forum

One of the core values of EU COST Actions is to ensure the integration of young professionals in the running of an Action, providing them with a strong voice in the Action and with a platform to explore management and organizational skills. Therefore the Young Researchers & Innovators Forum was initiated in September 2022. To get to know each other and to kickstart the discussion on what and how the YR&I Forum will function, a group of young ParAqua professionals met online on October 19th. Their discussion revolved around two main questions, namely 1) what do they want  YR&I Forum, and 2) how are they willing to contribute to making the YR&I Forum a success. As a result of the meeting, the first few initiatives are being started up. These include, for example, a collaborative position paper on the regulatory challenges for microalgae cultivation in Europe. New initiatives will be communicated through the members area of the ParAqua webpage.

As an open and collaborative platform, the YR&I offers many opportunities, particularly so as ParAqua can support new initiatives financially as well as with mentoring. So what is in it for you? Joining and in particular coordinating activities within the Young R&I Forum gives you international visibility, skills in time- and group management, leadership experience and an additional outlet for your creativity in the safe and helpful environment of the ParAqua network. As of now, the Forum is looking for a coordinator or a coordinating team, and for members willing to manage activities. Ideas for activities could include a regular online meeting with presentations by members to get to know each other; a peer-review club for testing conference abstracts and presentations; or setting up a webinar series and inviting speakers on scientific content or on skills. Are you a young professional and interested putting some work into the Forum? Then let Serena Rasconi or Alena Gsell know to discuss how ParAqua can facilitate this.

Alena Gsell


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